Monday, September 15, 2008

Inspired to Blog

I have been inspired to blog. I have been familiar with blogging for a while, given that my sister is a blog celebrity. I have even guest blogged a couple of times on my sister's blog. Until now, however, I have not felt the urge to start a blog myself. Until now.

Until I realized that the presidential election race is disturbingly close given how dissatisfied Americans are with the current Republican administration and the direction this country has been going. `

Until the hypocrisy and dishonesty of the John McCain campaign has reached such high levels that even Karl Rove is admitting it.

Until an unqualified VP candidate has managed to eclipse all campaign coverage to the point where a comedy show has to tell the press how to do its job.

Until bogus surveys about race are published suspiciously right when momentum appears to be swinging back in Barack Obama's favor.

I am inspired to blog.


Wag said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! So glad to have your voice :)

ninjapoodles said...

Welcome, and welcome! Glad to have your voice.

SUEB0B said...

Welcome! So nice to see you blogging, and about an important subject, too.

Cristina said...

Thank you all! It's great to be here!